CauseCompass Spotlight
Cause Compass Podcast: Stories of Impact from Nonprofit Leaders
Decade of Duo Duo Project: Transforming Hearts and Policies in China's Dog and Cat Meat Trade

Decade of Duo Duo Project: Transforming Hearts and Policies in China's Dog and Cat Meat Trade

Journey into the heart of Duo Duo Project’s mission with Andrea Gung and Martha Lackritz-Peltier as they discuss saving animals, changing perceptions, and building bridges between East and West.

Welcome to Episode 2 of the Cause Compass Podcast! Today, we delve into the transformative work of Duo Duo Project—a nonprofit committed to ending the dog and cat meat trade in China. For a decade, they've been challenging cultural norms and influencing policies, with significant milestones to boot. Andrea Gung, the visionary Founder, and Martha Lackritz-Peltier, Board Member and legal counsel, unpack a compelling narrative of their journey.

What sets Duo Duo apart is not just their life-saving missions; it's their unique initiatives to change public perception about companion animals. They even opened a shelter in Yulin—the home of China's dog and cat meat festival. From running surprising mega-events to gaining legal status in China, Duo Duo has come a long way in the last 10 years.

In this episode, we explore:

  • How Duo Duo is combating stereotypes to show that dogs and cats are more than just animals—they're companions deserving of love.

  • Milestones like launching their first shelter in Yulin, gaining legal recognition in Mudanjiang, China, and global support from donors and volunteers.

  • The various programs aimed at changing the practices surrounding dog and cat meat consumption through education and outreach.

Whether you're an animal lover, an activist, or someone curious about cultural change, this episode offers an inspirational roadmap for making a difference. Listen in and learn how you can support Duo Duo Project's critical mission.

Listen now on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, and YouTube.

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CauseCompass Spotlight
Cause Compass Podcast: Stories of Impact from Nonprofit Leaders
Welcome to the Cause Compass Podcast, where we dive into the world of inspiring nonprofit organizations making a difference in their communities. Focusing on small to medium-sized nonprofits in California across various industries, we bring you candid conversations with nonprofit leaders who share their challenges, successes, and aspirations.